A revolutionary device
OsteoWave is an innovative medical device that uses ultrasounds to evaluate dental implant stability, the main determinant of the surgical success, in a patient-specific manner.
This powerful device is an affordable solution to improve performances, reduce healing time, and decrease the failure rate.
The implant stability is strongly related to the reflected acoustic energy.
The OsteoWave technology is based on the analysis of ultrasonic waves reflected at the interface between the implant and bone tissue, the ultrasonic waves being emitted from ProbeOne screwed within the implant.
UI scale
OsteoWave provides the surgeon with a score reflecting the implant's stability. This reliable and precise score allows the surgeon to adjust the surgical procedure.
In vitro experiments and preclinical studies have proved that OsteoWave has a better reproducibility and reliability than its marketed competitors. The results have shown that our technology is able to significantly reduce the level of error on the estimation of the following parameters that are all related to dental implant stability:
Bone quality
Implant insertion depth
Cortical bone thickness
Healing time
These improvements help reduce the failure rate and allow to shorten the elapsed time between the initial surgery and the implant loading. Thus, using OsteoWave will be highly beneficial for the patient, who is less likely to experience complications, but also for the dental surgeon, who maintains its reputation, saves money and has the possibility to bill the patient earlier as the procedure is to take less time.
Two families of patents and patent applications are licensed to WaveImplant by the CNRS on an exclusive and worldwide basis. Together with the know-how of Guillaume Haïat’s laboratory accumulated during the past 12 years, they represent the main assets of WaveImplant which offer the company an exclusivity on its main markets of application.
In the upcoming months, new patent applications will be filed by WaveImplant.
OsteoWave is a technological breakthrough obtained after years of research. To read all the scientific publishings about OsteoWave, click on the link below: